When you are 25 years old, you do not think about the elasticity of the skin.
Many people are so panicked that they run away from injections. However, the face is a reflection of your emotional sphere, character, stereotypes in your body, so of course you can inject into the forehead, but this will only mask the underlying problems.
Facial massage is one of the healthy and safe ways to slow down the changes associated with age. The main goal is to normalize blood circulation, relax spasmodic muscles and strengthen weakened ones.
Facial massage activates the natural rejuvenation mechanisms, at the same time improves blood circulation, the blood flows to the cells, they receive natural food, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, and the skin recovers and wrinkles are smoothed.
The second moment is a violation of posture. And this is where most facial muscle and skin deformities occur.
A distorted back, uneven shoulders, a spasmodic neck, and a forward-tilted head are distorted body structures that impede blood flow to the face, stretching the muscles along the face, causing spasms.
Therefore, it is more effective to combine face and body massage together.